Tuesday, November 22, 2011

BF problems....PLEASE HELP!!!! NEED ADVICE!!!?

so my bf of 2 years found out yesterday that i cheated on him in march while he was in cancun on spring break in he was really upset about it and was calling me a hoe and nasty...but after about an hour he calmed down apologized and told me he still wanted to be with me...however thru out our two yrs we have had an extreme amount of probs concerning him trusting me and me lying i do admit that i have lied to him about certain things and have only come clean after finding out that he had proof that i lied to him. However regardless of my mistakes i still love him and have now told him the complete truth about my skeletons and wish to continue our relationship i just dont know if that would be the smart thing to do. although i'm sure that he loves me isnt it possible that he will cheat on me now that he knows the truth about the things i've done???? Am i suppose to take that risk and be with him anyway hoping he won't do that or let it go and move on????? I really do love him hes my heart and i know that i've made mistakes...but i cant imagine being without him. But is that honestly the smart thing to do or am i suppose to risk my feelings now because hes already risked his?????I just need some advice!!!! please help!!!!BF problems....PLEASE HELP!!!! NEED ADVICE!!!?

You're an irritating self absorbed cheater.

He's done nothing wrong. You're wrong.

Be a better human.BF problems....PLEASE HELP!!!! NEED ADVICE!!!?
If you love him then you just have to take that risk. A relationship should be based on honesty, lies are never a good thing to have in any kind of relationship especially with a bf/gf. If he truly loves you and is a good person then he won't make the move of cheating on you just because you cheated on him. I really hope you two can work it out, best of luck to you.
If he really wants to be with you that probably means he will not cheat on you and forget about the past and only think about the future, unless he is that kind of boy who like to get revenge then do not take the risk do not go out with him.
You're never going to know if he'll be completely faithful from now on. You really screwed up when you decided to treat him like dirt and cheat on him. If it was me, you'd be gone as fast as I could get rid of you, but I guess he's different. You may want to worry.
Well your the one that messed up.

If he wants to be with you, and you still want to be with him, you can try it.

But you cannot expect him to trust you, it will take a long time to earn that back,
you need to give him the trust that he cant put in you because he deserves at least that much. Just because you cheated doesnt mean that he is going to maybe he has better morals than you and you need to get them fast or you will lose him
If he loves you as much as he says he does and will take you back after what you've done most likely he loves you as much as he says he does you should give it another try you are just regretting what you have done
Sorry, but I don't think you really love him. If you honestly loved him you would never ever cheat on him. Now that he knows, he might cheat on you. Unless, he really really loves you.
He most likely will cheat. He doesn't trust you anymore and he probably never will, so this is definitely not the last of your fights. If you can get out of it, do so before you both wind up with terrible heartache.
YOU cheated on him and YOUR worried HE'LL do the same!? are you actually reading what you just wrote. i think he should leave you because by the sounds of it you dont appreciate him much and so you dont deserve him.
awh! He agreed to stay with you even when you cheated on him?

and you went and did it AGAIN?

oh my

you're a terrible person

i say you let him go!

He sounds too nice to cheat on you, he's not that LOW.
if you cheated on him, leave the option to continue or end the relationship to him.

personally, i think you guys should go your own ways.
move to novascotia and marry the guy selling chikens and tell him that u have a orange to talk about hell have all the answers...
Usually people who cheat aren't in love. You should ask yourself if you want to continue this cycle of distrust and lies, or move on and find yourself?
sounds liek you both need to sit down for a looooong talk, but doesnt sound like this relationship is going to last very long... sorry but good luck
YOU cheated on HIM and YOU are saying you should leave...? No, if anyone makes the decisions to leave or not (when you love him) it is HIM who ONLY has the right...
U are so stupid. If u love him so much then why did u cheat on him. U should probably just forget about it and move on. But keep dating him and just enjoy yourself.
just because you were a cheating liar doesn't mean he will be one as well. he sounds like a really good guy.

you're lucky he still talks to you.

you're rotten.
It depends on how much you trust him.
stay with him
do what's fair, he deserves answers....
HAhah, I think that this is the classic example of major problems in our society. Everyone assumes that everyone else would behave in the same manner as them when they get the chance. Therefore you get immoral people behaving immorally and justifying it by saying everyone else would do it to if they had the chance....the opposite applies, most people who guide their lives with a strong set of morals must believe that deep down everyone else is moraly strong as well, but just need to be trusted to do the right thing.....classic case

oh yeah btw


Seriously, there is no reason he would cheat on him. but if he did, then you would just have to deal with it......I like the person who said:

Be a better human.

thats funny.
I am one who has been lied to and cheated on. One or the other several times over the past 4 years. I hold on in hopes that he truly loves me enough to stop. I have never cheated on him not once. What he does, does not change who I am as a person. I am not a liar or cheater. I am completely committed to him. I'm not sure he will ever change. As my time with him continues, so does the lies and the women. I am now just about done with this relationship. He has virtually destroyed all that we ever had. We can't hardly talk, we hardly have any intimacy and when we do, its not right for me. Sometimes I can hardly stand to look at him. I cry every night. Sadly our relationship is not ending because of what he has done, it's ending because of what he hasn't been able to do.... be truly sorry for the pain he has caused me and STOP DOING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN... He says he loves me, and I am all he's ever dreamed of wanting, yet when he wants... it's not always me that he wants... and I DESERVE THAT !!!

If you're going to break up with him, it should be because you love him enough to be honest with yourself and him, and realize you cannot be absolutely positive that you can stop lying and cheating. HE DESERVES BETTER THAN THAT. If you truly love him like you claim... then you shouldn't LIE OR CHEAT on him. This is why people say love hurts.... but it's not supposed to and really doesn't have to. Either be truly sorry and stop !!!! or let him go to find happiness with someone who deserves him and will treat him the way he deserves to be treated !!!! Don't break up with him because you're afraid of being cheated on. If you got cheated on... you deserve it... the only thing is, it could never hurt you like it hurt him. Even if it's not him that cheats on you ... unless you're lucky enough to keep him forever... eventually what comes around goes around.... Maybe if you stop now... maybe, just maybe you won't have to suffer the pain you have dished out !!!!
If you love someone you dont cheat on them.So I dont really understand why you did.IUnless you are unhappy deep down inside with the relationship, the issue still lies with you, not him as you felt the need to cheat on him.A man will never trust a woman who has done this and it will blaken your relationship forever.Time will get him to trust you again if thats what he wants.And being honest with him every time...even if it means you being a little out of sorts or uncomfortable, this is all anyone deserves in a relationship.You cannot make him trust you.It has to be his decison whether he can or not.

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