Monday, August 23, 2010

Mean Girl Problems....I need some advice!?

Okay, i just started my freshmen year this fall and i'm already starting to have problems with some of my peers, especially this girl i've gone to school with. You see, i'm in journalism and i work for the school paper, and already, i've gotten a lot of attention from my teacher who thinks i am a talented writer; much to the jealousy of everybody else in my journalism, especially this girl. Well this girl is freinds with my bff and she's been trying to turn him against me and everybody else with nasty rumors that are not even close to being true- just because of the attention i get.

I love to write, i always have, but now with all this, i'm starting to lose my passion. At first i used to think this girl was really a nice person and even came to call her a friend, but time has showed me i was wrong.

I would really like to call truths but i have no idea if that's right or what i should do. Any help would be nice because it really bothers me that people can be so cruelMean Girl Problems....I need some advice!?
Do you really want to let this girl prevent you from following your passion and your dream? You need to realize that throughout your whole life, you will run into people who are just like this girl. You'll find them in college, you'll find them in the workplace. You sound like you are a very mature and talented writer. You need to cultivate that and ignore what rumors or lies other people spread about you. Either your friends are going to believe her or not. If they believe her, are they really your friends? This is your future we are talking about, don't let anybody bring you down or get in your way. This is just one of the tests in life, and you can either give up and let people like her win, or you can fight through it and become successful, so that you can have people like her wash your car and mow your lawn later on.Mean Girl Problems....I need some advice!?
basically, shes jealous and dont let her bring you down. say all the rumors are false. dont stoop down to her level and start rumors either! good luck future author!
hey just ignore what this girl says and do what you want to do if writing is your passion then write to your hearts content forget about what others say and hey find some dirt on this girl and write it out in your paper then she'll be the bad guy of the school but if your friendship is important to you then confront her and ask her if shes jealous or what .
When I was reading this question it sounds like one of the problems I'm having with this girl. The girl that is spreading rumors about you is trying to turn you against your best friend. This person always seems to be ';nice'; and a ';friend';. But sometimes being nice is a way to manipulate someone to their advantage without the person realizing it. This girl is jealous of you and is trying to control your best friend. She wants him to herself and no one else. So if your bff heres about these rumors she'll think they'll separate you and you will no longer talk to your bff. People are cruel, so I would talk to your bff tell them what is going on and how you feel about the girl. If this person is your bff they will understand and resolve the problem.
well basically the girl is jealous of u! if u dont let it get to u she'll get bored and forget it. but if u let her see its bothering you she wont quit cuz she is getting the reaction she wants!

and as for u letting her ruin what u love is stupid u should never let any one try and take away ur dreams!

i hop ethis helped!

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