Monday, August 23, 2010

Problems help need more advice?

as sum of yall know i like this boy named k.but his bf likes day after school i was walking home wen i saw his bf on a bike.he ask me many ?'s about do i really like k nd i said yes.well he got off his bike and hit me on my butt i told him that wasnt rite and that i didnt want to start any mess with him.then he touched my cheast nd pushed my on the ground i kicked,screamed,bit, everything but that didnt stop him.thats wen k came by and saw.he said he couldnt believe it and never to talk to him again and rode away.on the other hand his friend was still on top of me but then he let me go .what should i do also im in middle school nd hes in a high grade than me and kProblems help need more advice?
Tell your parents! That's sexual assault and you should NOT let this slide. If he did it to you once and you say nothing he is going to do it again. Tell someone, it is not your fault and you have done nothing wrong. This boy has a problem he needs help.

Tell an adult that is going to do something about it. If he approaches you again kick him dead center and run to someone to help. I don't usually promote violence however if that is the only way to stop him then kick away! I pray that God's protection will be over you.Problems help need more advice?
You need to tell an adult about what k's ';friend'; did to you -- that is hugely inappropriate and you need to inform either school officials or your parent/guardian.

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