Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice fo tough friendship problems!?

My friend and I have been friends since forever! Now she's started avoiding me and being sorta mean. Like one time she said these people were being mean to her, so I asked her what happened. Turns out some girls were saying stuff like: ';Hey Lauren, I need to tell you a secret! Oh, Victoria you too, come over here! Camryn, Lilli, Hannah, follow us!'; But when my friend asked her if she could go too they said no. That had been happening several times. It felt like she was aiming all that at me, like I was doing it. So, later I asked her if she was mad at me. She said no, but I'm not so sure, and then she asked me if she could just be alone for a while. So I left. The thing is, I feel like I've been doing that too. I stared goofing off at recess with some girls and she was kinda in a corner just watching. But when I started walking toward her she go in the oppisite direction! So now whenever I start joking around with other girls she does that. I feel so guilty for having fun! And please don't say just to get over it and that's what teen's do. HELP!!!!!!Advice fo tough friendship problems!?
Shes trying to act older. She thinks your immature, even tho ur not, ur acting your age. Shes the one acting immature by acting older, so if she wants wants to be something shes not, its her loss. Shes a waste of timeAdvice fo tough friendship problems!?
just sit her down and have a serious best friend conversation. Just tell her how you feel about the whole situation, then let her tell her part, then just tell her that it has been on your mind for a while and you really didn't mean to hurt her feelings. and if she is still mad about it after that then you guys should just not hang out with each other for awhile

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