Thursday, July 29, 2010

Weak bladder problems...can anyone give me any advice?

I am a 33 y/o old male and tend to go to the toilet a lot to pass water. I do drink quite a lot of fluid in a day like tea, coffee, coke etc ...but within 20 mins of finishing a drink I have to go to the toilet! I suppose you could say 'dont drink too much then' but I dont feel that that's the answer as I am told a male bladder can hold half a litre.

Is there anything the doctor can prescribe to sort this problem out ?Weak bladder problems...can anyone give me any advice?
Stopping drinking is the last thing to do as it will cause other problems

As long as urine is not leaking it is not a big problem. You could go to your doctor to check there is no underlying cause and you could be referred to a continence adviser.Weak bladder problems...can anyone give me any advice?
If all you're drinking is tea and coffee and coke, your urine will be very concentrated and your bladder is probably a little irritated. Imagine a clean white porcelain sink - if you pour cup after cup of tea and coffee into it... it won't take long for the sides of the sink to turn a nasty brown. Now imagine pouring a cup of coffee followed by a glass of water, then a cup of tea followed by a glass of water - there will be much less staining.

Same idea with the bladder. You need to dilute the caffeine and tannins and other toxins with plenty of water so there will be less irritation.

Irritation causes a feeling of urgency - less time than usual from the first warning to when you actually have to go - because the bladder can't stretch so well.

So - simple solution.... Drink more water or clear fluids; avoid too much caffeine (including chocolate) and start to practice holding on - first for five minutes, then for ten etc... aim for 6-8 visits to the loo to pass water per day. Don't hold first thing in the morning - your bladder fills all night and needs to void.

Hope this helps! It might be a good idea to see your GP as well to make sure you don't have an infection or anything.
Have you been tested for diabetes- one of the symptoms is going to the toilet alot!- take a sample to your gp

also cut down on caffine- you should drink plenty of water to rehydrate your body and to help you kidneys and bladder function properly!- good luck
go to the Doctor and get yourself checked out to put your mind at ease they will do an urodynamic on your bladder and then you will know if all is ok good luck i expects you are worrying over nothing but just go and get it checked good health
there's one thing that guys are always asking me, it's ';how can I control myself from ejaculating so quickly?'; The answer is simple -- okay it's not that simple, but there is a way that many of you can help yourselves. All that's required is a little exercise that you can do while you're at work or sitting on the couch watching Survivor .

you must own a pc

Both men and women have a PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which is responsible for the health of the pelvic floor. But trust me, that's not all it's used for. You have to keep this muscle in tiptop shape in order to maximize your sexual experiences.

The next time you go to the washroom and begin urinating, try to stop the flow midway. Can you? If not, then you need to start exercising as soon as possible to maintain penile fitness.

Another test; when you have an erection, can you squeeze your PC muscle and make your penis jump substantially? If not, then I think you need today's sex tip more than you know.

what this muscle can do

Exercising this muscle regularly will prolong the duration of lovemaking and make your climax much more intense. Some say that guys with healthy PC muscles can actually hang a towel over their erections and raise and lower their penises at will. You can also use a hand cloth or handkerchief.

Just as working out your biceps will give you better definition and more strength, the PC muscle can help you strengthen and better define your erections and orgasms. But as is the case with everything, discipline is required.

locate the muscle

As aforementioned, stopping your urine midstream (pun intended) can help you figure out when you're using your PC muscle. Try stopping your urination three times just to ensure that you understand where the muscle is located.

As well, although this method may not sound enthralling, if you stick a finger in your rectum and try contracting your PC muscle, you will know that you're doing so because your finger will feel your anus contracting (pressure). Always try to keep your other muscles (thigh, back and abdominal) relaxed.

Remember that the stronger your PC muscle, the more enjoyable sex will ultimately be. So let's begin exercising, shall we? Next %26gt;%26gt;

Article Suggested By: Robert S., New York, NY
Well, in the first place, switch off the caffeine, it's a diuretic; ie., a chemical which causes people to urinate more readily. So is alcohol; either causes you to expel more than you have taken in. Which is why women on their cycle take them to relieve water bloating.

Switch to milk, water or juice, you'll be a lot healthier.

Also, start doing kegel exercises. Squeeze %26amp; hold your sphinctor muscle, as though you were trying not to urinate on your way to the toilet. Count to five, reasonably slowly, then release. Repeat up to ten times. Do several sets during the day, working up your repetitions as your stamina increases. These are the exercises women do to, ah, er, snap back into shape after pregnancy. They are also excellent for male s*xual endurance. You'll thank me for this one day. Your significant other will thank you for it.
Stimulants such as those found in everything you are drinking can cause increased urination. try sticking with decaf coffee and tea, avoid colas all together. Avoid chocolate (sorry!), processed and high refined foods and sugars (NO fast foods!). Try to drink more water. There is a tea formula by Bell's Lifestyles called EazyFlow that has done wonders for people, but you will still need to adhere to the other bits! one out of every four men will experience prostate problems in their lives, so you may want to start helping that now. An enlarged prostate will leave you with a feeling of needing to go, but little comes out at a time. Herbs such as pumpkin seed, lycopene (comes from cooked lots of those), saw palmetto, plant sterols, pygeum...there are many. The best formula that I've found is by New Roots called prostate Perform. Many feel relief in just three days! Good luck with everything. ...and remember the saying - If it tastes good, spit it out! LOL
It's WHAT you are drinking, coffee, tea and coke all have too much caffeine and that is what is making you go to the bathroom. You are killing your kidneys and bladder because all of that caffeine makes them work overtime. Please do yourself a favor and drink more WATER or cranberry juice. Eliminate the tea, coffee and coke, especially the coke. This will help your body tremendously and you will feel the difference.
Sorry to hear about the problem that you are having.

Tea will not help at all.

Water should be less of a problem.

Main thing is to get out of the habit of holding on.

As soon as you feel the need to go, just go, and you will find that this will help.

You would be surprised at how widespread this problem is.
Caffeine is a diuretic. Rather than taking drugs which have harsh side-effects, why not just cut down on the caffeine? :)
I was actually told by a Nurse when I was in hospital that you have to train your bladder I use to go to the loo every 5 Min's cause I was worried I would need the loo and I wouldn't get to one in time so that made my bladder think that I needed the loo all the time. I have now trained my bladder so that I only go to the loo when I really need to. Try to leave bigger gap in between going to the loo and only go when you really need to after a while your bladder will be retrained. Good luck
Cut down on caffeine as it'll make you go to the loo a fair bit. Try drinking fruit juice or water instead. I think the recommended daily intake of water is 1.5 litres. It might be worth you getting checked out by your family doctor as you may well have a problem with your prostate

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