Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need some advice on some personal problems...?

A couple years back i had a massive argument with a girl i once new. I apparently had done something that really annoyed her but she had never told me what it was that annoyed her.. so i had un-knowingly continued... i had heard word from a friend that she had been constantly bitching about me behind my back... n i cracked it at her for it... she had accused me of being selfish having always wanted to talk about myself (despite having always asked her if she had anything on her mind) and was continually harassing her - sending her msg after msg (trying to talk to her to figure out wat bothering her)... after this argument, i pulled away from the group... but what happened has always haunted me ever since...

I need some advice on how to deal with this feeling... i have been going out with my girlfriend now for about a month now n absolutley love her to death! but cant seem to shake the feeling of what had happened between me and the other girl...I need some advice on some personal problems...?
i say contact her and confront her about it. Closure is healthyI need some advice on some personal problems...?
my opinion is that just leave the past behind. you already found another beautiful girl that really loves you and you love her back!!

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